CEDARS-Careers and Placement
The University of Hong Kong
No matter what you embark on after graduation, we are here to support you to secure a personally rewarding career.
GraduAction offers tailored career services and resources to help you prepare and start your career.
Career Advising
One-on-One Career Advising
Make an appointment with our Career Consultants or Student Advising Officers for personalised career advice on career choice, job searching strategy and job application via phone or Zoom.
For new graduates without HKU portal login, please send your request to GraduAction@cedars.hku.hk.
Career Skills and Knowledge
Job Openings
Online Resources
DropPicker Career Library
Walk around the DropPicker Career Library to seek past interview questions (PIQ) for your job interviews.
Useful online materials and market information to help with your career preparation and job applications.
Email Us