CEDARS-Careers and Placement
The University of Hong Kong
Trailblazers is an integrated programme that aims to foster a future-focused mindset for continuous enrichment in your life and career.
Together with university students from Japan being invited to join HKU students in Trailblazers, you will participate in 8 days of interactive and engaging activities in March 2025.
With the support of our industry partners, you will be able to connect with executives from Nan Fung Group, Weave Living and GreenPrice.

Trailblazers empowers you to

Understand yourself in innovative ways

Develop inquisitive mind

Explore possibilities to design for your life & career journey

Strengthen your
skills & abilities
Enhance intercultural understanding

March 2025
Designing Your Life & Career with Purpose


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to view more details
Interactive Workshops & Experiential Learning
8 Mar
Designing Your Unique Career Journey
🎯Key Content & Objective:
Discover essential insights that will help you design a meaningful and purposeful future
Explore career possibilities through identifying and harnessing your passions
Review your MBTI Career Report to understand how your personality traits align with potential career paths
Engage in self-reflection exercises to uncover your aspirations
* Students are required to complete a MBTI online assessment before the commencement of workshop in order to receive a MBTI full report.
8 Mar
Establishing Growth Mindset
🎯Key Content & Objective:
Identify the best solution to achieve your ideal or desired outcome
Gain a deep understanding of how to think, act and respond in the face of challenges and obstacles
Analyse the controllable and uncontrollable factors and steps for achieving ideal outcomes
Role-play on the use of positive language
9 Mar
Experiential Learning Day:
Building Resilience through Team Adventure
🎯Key Content & Objective:
Challenge the edge of self-confidence and resilliance in the natural environment
Develop problem-solving and communication techniques through collaborative tasks
Expedite in the natural environment through mutual support and guidance from professional coaches
Stepping out of comfort zone through challenging circumstances
10 Mar
Unlocking Creativity in a Dynamic Environment
🎯Key Content & Objective:
Explore innovative ways to navigate an ever-changing and complex work environment
Gain insights from real-life examples of problem-solving and learn to overcome challenges through creative thinking
Practise asking the right questions to drive effective solutions
Participate in interactive case study exercises to apply creative problem-solving techniques
15 Mar
Reflection and Insight Exchange
🎯Key Content & Objective:
Reflect on the learnings gained from Trailblazers and analyse discovered strengths
Frame roles within relevant fields for further learning and professional development
Discuss challenges and insights in small groups
Establish actionable steps to implement the enrichment plans

Application Method
Application Deadline: 21 Feb 2025 (Sun)

Application Form

Interview from
late Jan to early Feb

Pay a Refundable HK$800 Deposit***
Notes for Application: ​
The programme will be conducted face-to-face, except for the group and life coaching session.
All students are welcome but only selected students will be invited to join due to limited spaces.
Shortlisted students will be invited to attend an interview from late January to early February 2025. If you do not hear from us by 10 February, you may consider your application unsuccessful.
The programme details will be provided to confirmed participants through email.
***​The programme is completely Free of Charge. Confirmed participants will be required to pay a deposit of HK$800, which will be refunded upon 100% attendance in the programme.
All the fields with ( * ) in this form are mandatory.
As quota is limited, you are encouraged to enrol as soon as possible.
Enquiries: Trailblazers@cedars.hku.hk